Friday, July 15, 2016

You Can Be Famous For Many Different Things

Elder Anderton's fame for making whole wheat bread has gone international!!!  Whenever we have people here to dinner (which is a lot :)  Elder Anderton usually whips up a batch of his homemade bread.  The word has spread and we now also take bread with us whenever we are invited to dinner at someone else' house.  The Elders are some of his most adoring fans. They have wonderful bread here in Portugal...but it is not soft, warm or melt in your mouth yummy (there is also very little whole wheat bread)  With Elder Foust getting ready to be released, he requested a bread-making lesson.  These boys look pretty fit and slim... but don't be fooled, they can do some serious EATING !

 OF COURSE, dinner was included along with the lesson.  It is fun for me to imagine that there were members who loved feeding "MY" missionaries when they were serving their missions.  It's kind of like pay back !
The bread turned out great !  I was a little worried that the Elders might 'founder' on it !?! (ok not sure of the spelling, but that thing that horses do when they get into too much grass?)  Good thing they are still young with Metabolism in tact !


Mindy said...

wow famous for your breah eh? remember when you used to bribe us to make bread.?? well good thing you did it for yourself eventually or you wouldn't have this incredible talent. also ruby said your face looks kind of scary:/ in that first pic.

Mindy said...

haha she made me write j/k