Thursday, September 13, 2007

Morgan County Fair Parade

Does being in a parade sounds like fun?...Well, it really was! (except for worrying about grandkids falling or jumping out of the Jeep)
It was a spur of the moment decision. Brett had spent many hours working on the Jeep, repairing, grooming and polishing it with the hopes (and promise) that he could then sell it and keep the $. His problem was - he did too good a job! It looked so great that Ric couldn't part with it! (Brett actually loves it more than Ric, so he was OK with that) The county fair parade allows anyone (begs anyone) to participate. We wanted to show off our beautiful grandchildren and were sad that not all could be there (we were missing Kenya, Brystun, Mac, Willa & Brooks) Ric also thought it would be great fun to show off the Jeep, play really loud music, honk the unique
horn (complete with siren and ooga sounds) all while subliminally promoting A&E dental group! The kids tossed out sugar free candy and waved and smiled. Ruby thought she was Miss America. She just sat in the middle and did her little "queen wave" for the full 1/2 hour while Lincoln grinned and tried to figure out what was going on. Dex, Ev, Carter, Morgan & McKenzie were in the back after being threatened with BIG TROUBLE if anyone took their little bottoms off their seats for any reason. It turned out to be great fun for all and no one was lost...a definate plus!! Our sign said... "GRANDCHILDREN...OUR REWARD FOR SURVIVING OUR CHILDREN"

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Old dogs can learn new tricks

Now that everybody else has a blog site we really felt left out and and needed a place to vent our frustrations and expose all of you to the thousands of pictures we keep taking and downloading to our computer, never to be seen again, but safely tucked away in some cyber storage place. However please keep posting your stuff as it is great to see what is going on in the lives of our extended family, well at least the ones we know and like. You will all be blessed for blogging or maybe just not unblessed.